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The current WES-2 Bridge release is 17.3.1 for RedHat 7. A 19.x build to support Hazard Services is under development.
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AWIPS-2 Archiver > Warning Decision Training Division > Tools > WES-2 Bridge > AWIPS-2 Archiver

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Every site needs to perform some local configuration for the AWIPS-2 archiver to include their local datasets which could not be archived otherwise. This page includes actual ("tested") configurations for situations encountered at NWS field offices for both LDM pqact.conf and the archiver configuration files RAW_DATA.xml and PROCESSED_DATA.xml. These configurations ensure the archives are in a format that WES-2 Bridge can use.

Below are examples of configurations for Raw Data, Processed Data, and the LDM pqact.conf file. Click on any of the blue bars to open or close the item.

These examples were updated and tested on June 6, 2016.

Raw Data


Note that the RAW_DATA.xml entries below are very sensitive to the punctuation and other characters that immediately precede or follow the digits that represent the date. In many cases, in the actual filename, an underscore character precedes or follows the ten digits that represent YYYYMMDDHH. While this underscore could be captured by a .* regular expression, specifying it explictly ensures that those ten digits are used for the date (as opposed to the second ten digits that sometimes appear at the end of the filename which represent the Epoch seconds for the LDAD file write time).

Canadian Model (HRDPS)

Canadian Model (Northern Hemisphere)

Canadian Model (Regional)

Climo PoP


Extended ETA or NAM (66-84 hours)

GFS Simulated Satellite

GOES-16 Raw Data


HPCWWD (HPC Winter Weather Desk)


HRRR (CR/GSD version)

LDAD.mesonet and LDAD.hydro (/data_store/ldad)

Lightning Mapper Array (LMA)

Local METARs

Local WRF

mPING (Meteorological Phenomena Identification Near the Ground)


NAM Simulated Satellite

NARRE (North America Rapid Refresh Ensemble)

NBM (National Blend of Models)

NCAR 3km ensembles

NWPS (Nearshore Wave Prediction System)



ProbSevere (convectprob)



sportlis (SPoRT Land Information System)


Various Products in /data_store/manual/text

text_decrypted (Watch County List or WCL)

unknown (/data_store/manual/unknown)

Processed Data

FFMP (Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction)

mPING (Meteorological Phenomena Identification Near the Ground)


ProbSevere (convectprob)

Spot Forecast Requests (STQ)

LDM pqact.conf configurations

CADAS and/or HADS SHEF data

/data_store/firewx directory

Local addition for GLERL

Two-digit directories in /data_store/shef