NOAA/National Weather Service's Chief Learning Office United States Department of Commerce
Commerce Learning Center

PCU 3: Provide Aviation Weather Information and Services

Description: Forecasters produce timely, accurate, and consistent (spatially and temporally) forecasts. These forecasts must maintain meteorological integrity across boundaries of the area of responsibility. Forecasts of meteorological parameters and phenomena are prepared using production tools (i.e., AvnFPS, IC4D, WARP, N-AWIPS, etc.) and issued in accordance with documented requirements (such as various NWS Directives and ICAO ANNEX 3), priorities and deadlines.

Length : 4.0 hours

Note: If the links provided below do not take you directly to the course in the CLC then once logged into the CLC paste the provided links into the URL bar and press Enter to proceed

  • Course Title: Introduction to Categorical Amendment Criteria
  • Description: This Articulate presentation provides training on the TAF Categorical Amendment Criteria (CAC). The module discusses the impacts of CAC on aviation operations. THIS TRAINING IS FOR ALL AVIATION FORECASTERS.
  • Length: 0.5 hours
  • URL/location:
  • Course Title: Introduction to TAF Verification
  • Description: This lesson covers how to retrieve, interpret and apply your TAF verification data which is available on the NWS Performance Management website.
  • Length: 45 Mins
  • URL/location:
  • Course Title: DAS Module 1 - What is DAS?
  • Description: This module is part of a three part curriculum on Digital Aviation Services or DAS. The goal of this course is to simply raise awareness on DAS features and benefits. Consequently, this portion of the curriculum is open to all or any NWS employee who wishes to take it. The remaining portions of this curriculum will address more specific details on how to use DAS in a Weather Forecast Office (WFO) setting.
  • Length: 15 Mins
  • URL/location:
  • Course Title: DAS Module 2 - Digitial Aviation Services GFE Grids
  • Description: This module is the second part of a three part curriculum on Digital Aviation Services or DAS. This portion of the curriculum is designed for WFO meteorologists who write TAFs. The goal of this module is to prepare you to use DAS to populate, edit, & finalize aviation grids in GFE.
  • Length: 1 Hour
  • URL/location:
  • Course Title: DAS Module 3 - The DAS TAF Formatter
  • Description: This module is the third part of a three part curriculum on Digital Aviation Services or DAS. This portion of the curriculum is designed for WFO meteorologists who write TAFs. The goal of this module is to prepare you to use the DAS TAF Formatter to generate, edit, and send TAFs with DAS.
  • Length: 20 Mins
  • URL/location:
  • Course Title: ASOS and AWOS Explained: Key Differences, Similarities and Uses
  • Description: In this lesson, you will explore the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) and the Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS). The lesson will introduce you to the various pieces of equipment found in each system, what some of the key differences and similarities between the systems are, and how to know when maintenance is required. By the end of the lesson, you will have a deeper understanding of the capabilities, data outputs, users, data errors, and maintenance protocols of both ASOS and AWOS.
  • Length: 30 Mins
  • URL/location: