National Weather Service Training Center (Kansas City)

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NWSTC Staff Information

Administrative Team

Front Desk/Reception: Katrina Combs (816) 490-7459
Student Services: Kristine Berry (816) 514-0257
Media Coordinator: Cathy Burgdorf (816) 313-2581

Electronics & Information Technology


Division Chief:

Jim Poole (816) 408-0317



Ronald Robinson (L) (816) 535-8344
Clifton Ekkert (816) 659-3421


Data Assimilation & Dissemination Team

Heather Gardner (L) (816) 388-0678
Bob Retzlaff (816) 535-0630
Tom Burgdorf (816) 623-0318
Derek Urch (816) 379-6211
Jamont Henderson (816) 708-0816
Sam Blad (816) 708-1825



Trey Green III (L) (816) 623-0413
Jim Bollinger (816) 408-0062
Ken McAdams (816) 490-7976
Kaleb Stout (816) 535-8435


IT Systems Administrator

Steve Berry (816) 200-7575



Distance Learning Development

Cari Kelly (816) 313-2524


Decision Support and Communication Services


Division Chief:

Jim Keeney (816) 408-0205


Team Members:

Doug Streu (816) 379-6268
Megan Taylor
(816) 514-4453
Denise Balukas (816) 366-7752
Alzina Foscato (816) 287-0004


Leadership Academy


Division Chief:

Jeff Zeltwanger (816) 406-0715


Team Members:

Brian Blew (L) (816) 313-2279
Christina Crowe (816) 343-4616
Marco Bohorquez (816) 514-1549
Sarah Atkins (816) 408-0230
Jane Niemeyer (816) 388-9657