National Weather Service Training Center (Kansas City)

About Our Programs

The NWSTC provides onsite, online, and blended training on a variety of topical areas through the Commerce Learning Center. If you are an NWS employee, you can log onto this site and browse our course offerings.

Supplemental Information And Job Aides on Select Topics


COOP Information and Job Aides (internal) - maintained by Alzina Foscato


Hydrology Training (internal) - maintained by Jim Keeney


Leadership Academy (internal) - maintained by Jeffrey Zeltwanger


NEXRAD Information Page - maintained by the NEXRAD team


Safety/Environmental Training Page- maintained by Doug Streu


Space Weather Training - maintained by Megan Taylor


Note: The links above lead to NWSTC training materials and supplemental job aides. Official engineering and NWS documentation takes precedence over any information above. Official documentation can be found on the OBS3 website.

Additionally, the NWSTC provides support for some of our partner organizations. Both partner organizations and NWS employees may find additional information about our offerings through the NWS Training Portal.